Saturday, November 13, 2010

Science Party

 Warning:This is going to be an extra large post. I gave my nephew a "Science Party" for his 11th birthday. After hours of research, it came out amazing! I hope this posting will help anyone plan  a "cool" party for boys or girls (including adults!)
 Welcome to "Trevor's Mad Lab" do need to be organized,  I recommend the dollar store for the tinfoil tins and other goodies
 the dining room area was the "Lab Cafeteria", I found sticky skulls after Halloween and put them on water bottles
 This was our "Sugar Molecules" or sweet table. the cake was from the Family Fun site, 2 bundt cakes with a glass flower vase in the middle. When we sang Happy Birthday, I added water and dry ice to the vase for a smoking beaker cake.
 Most of the candies and sweets were found after Halloween on sale!

 In our family room, I took down all photos from the shelves and hung reusable hooks and displayed the "lab coats" and goggles. Goggles were bought from
Lab coats were extra large t-shirts cut down the middle with name tags.
The Mad Scientist names were: Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Jekyll, Dr. Hyde, Dr. Frankenstein, Dr. Einstein. Dr. Evil, Dr. Doofenshmirtz.....have fun with this!

 This was a great touch...I hung in all the doorways a clear garbage bag shredded to divide the "Lab"
 the Lab decorations were ball jars with dye and dollar store bugs, etc.
Note the "Haz Mat" red bags, I asked my doctor for the bags!

 Halloween skull came in handy!
 Halloween Stickers were perfect for this party!

 First experiment: Screaming Balloons
 We made Lava Lamps

 Insta Snow was amazing and a huge hit! (Ordered this)
 Atomic Slime another hit!

 Now it was glow stick science.
 Next came "Dry Ice Fun"

 This was great. Dry Ice Bubbles

 Time for explosions...
 A must do...Alka Seltzer rockets! (had to order the film canisters!)

 Last, but not least, diet coke and Mentos!
I recommend ordering the Mento Geyser packs from

 Time for the Cake....just add dry ice! a smoking cake....

Happy Birthday Trevor!


  1. incredible! what a brilliant idea!
    very creative.. love it! :)

  2. amazing! what fantastic ideas! thanks for sharing! :)

  3. This is AWESOME!!!!! Terrific ideas, thanks so much for sharing. :)

  4. Cheryl, this has to the coolest party I've ever seen!
