Saturday, March 10, 2012

Baseball Party...Go New York Yankees!

Happy Birthday Dad!
It's my Dad's Birthday, so we decided to celebrate his special day going to a New York Yankee's Spring Training Game.(At Disney!)
 Here is a little Dessert Table to get the Party Started!
A fast easy dessert table!
White table cloth with red ric rack added...instant baseball theme!
(also note the baseball card garland)
Yankee Banner made by my Sister-in-Law (thanks Jenny!)
white paper lanterns with ric rack
(I taped  ric rack to lanterns)
everyone signed the game ball!
baseball cards are an in-expensive touch!
Cracker Jacks
Baby Ruth's
roasted peanuts
Big League chew!
favorite mini donuts always says P-A-R-T-Y!
add some baseballs, new and used!

Happy Birthday Dad!

1 comment:

  1. you regularly amaze me. Seriously. I can't imagine pulling that together for a birthday, but you make it look so simple. I bet he felt LOVED.
