Saturday, August 4, 2012

Classroom ideas: Twitter Door

We are continuing on Classroom Ideas...This idea is awesome! How clever and cool!
Tweet with Twitter!!!!
Mrs. White's 5th Grade Class must be a fun teacher!
She asks the kids to tweet about certain things and other times she allows them to tweet about anything they want. It just depends on what they  were doing that day. When they first started, she let a few kids go to the door at a time but once they get started they went to the door when they come up with something they wanted to tweet about. They also used the real Twitter app on the iPad to tweet about what they were doing in the classroom. She also would  have the students take a picture of something they were doing in class and tweet about it. 

1 comment:

Bekki@a better way to homeschool said...

Cute idea! I love using the pocket chart in a new way!
My boys would love this?..